Monday 6 July 2009

Skills Targets

For this project we had to refine our skills and gain experience in making a short video clip...
I believe I achieved some of the skill targets I outlined but not all.

My digital technology target was: I want to learn how to use the the digital video camera effectively for the best shots possible.
I believe we achieved this as we researched into big brother shows and looked at the angles used, we used this in our clip and effectively got different shots with continuity edits. However as we didn't have a tripod at the time the camera is slightly shakey.

My creativity target was: I want to be able to express my ideas more clearly within my group and put them into our production
I think I achieved this as I suggested the camera angles and what the story lines were about as we were sat down in a group. These ideas are cleraly represented in our video clip.

My Research and Planning target was: I need to be able to manage my time properly when doing reasearch and planning as last year it wasn't as good as I would of hoped.
I think this could have been better achieved. Our group wasnt always together at the same time so was difficult to get everything done on time and was slightly rushed. However if the time limit was longer our clip would have been more refined.

My post production target was: I would like to learn how to put a voiceover onto my clip using premiere pro
This wasnt achieved as we didnt have the time to put a voiceover clip on, if again the time limit was longer this would of refined our clip and made it more proffesional.

My Using Conventions from Real Media Texts target was: I'd like to make our clip seem like a real reality tv show, taking inspiration from Big Brother
I believe this was fully achieved as we watched many video clips and studied the angles used which we then incorporated into our own clip, we also took conventional ideas from big brother like the diary room and big brother voices which were used effectively in our clip

Overall I think I refined my skills on premiere pro and learnt how to manage our time appropriatley.

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